CrystEngComm,2013,15(33),6483-6490.T. Bai,C. Li,D. Liang, F.Li, D.Jin, Z.Shi*, S.Feng
Synthesis of various metal selenide nanocrystals using the novel selenium precursor 1,5-bis(3-methylimidazole-2-selone)pentane
Synthesis of various metal selenide nanocrystals using the novel selenium precursor 1,5-bis(3-methylimidazole-2-selone)pentane
Aqueous phase synthesis of upconversion nanocrystals through layer-by-layer epitaxial growth for in-vivo X-ray computed tomography
Inspiration from old molecules: Field-induced slow magnetic relaxation in three air-stable tetrahedral cobalt(II) compounds
Synthesis, X-ray structures and luminescent properties of three organically templated copper(I) halides via in situ solvothermal reduction reactions
An unusual copper(I) halide-based metal-organic framework with a cationic framework exhibiting the release/adsorption of iodine, ion-exchange and luminescent properties
Microwave-assisted synthesis and up–down conversion luminescent properties of multicolor hydrophilic LaF3: Ln3+ nanocrystals
Two three-dimensional metal-organic frameworks constructed by thiazole-spaced pyridinecarboxylates exhibiting selective gas sorption and antiferromagnetic coupling respectively
Synthesis, structures, and magnetic properties of three 3d-4f [Na2FeIII6DyIII2] complexes: effect of organic ligands on the connection of inorganic subunits
Growth orientation, shape evolution of monodisperse PbSe nanocrystals and their employing in optoelectronic devices